..Conn Strobe Tuner..

Kent Swafford kswafford@earthlink.net
Fri, 29 May 1998 21:50:02 -0500

Bill Bremmer wrote:

>Even if you are able to barely pass the electronic portion of the Exam with a
>Strobe Tuner, you must then prove that you can do 2 octaves entirely by 
>ear up
>to a certain standard which is very leniant in most tuning professionals'

Just to be correct:

The sequence of events in the PTG exam changed some time back.  First, 
one must "prove that [one] can [tune] 2 octaves entirely by ear..." Part 
One of the exam is strictly aural and involves tuning the pitch of A4, 
followed by a temperament octave, and then the rest of the mid-range, 

In Part Two of the tuning exam, a visual tuning device may be used, if 
the examinee desires, to help with the tuning of C1-B2 and C5-B7. Unisons 
must be tuned without a visual tuning device.

Kent Swafford

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