Libretto/RCT Review

Carl Root
Wed, 04 Nov 1998 09:22:10 -0400

PDtek@AOL.COM wrote:
> . . . . . . one of the biggest arguments many have against
> the use of the RCT software. That is the cumbersome nature of the standard
> size laptops, especially as to where to place the laptop on vertical pianos. I
> realize that many tuners have come to terms with the standard size laptops and
> have found suitable solutions that work for them. 

I expect my copy of RCT to arrive any day now.  I plan to run it on my
desktop next to my own piano to make sure I like it as much as I expect
to.  I will then have to decide what size laptop to buy.  Dean is trying
to talk me out of the new G3's which measure something like 12 X 12, but
the large screen, full size keyboard, and other features sound

I was thinking off modifying the Steinway triangular lid prop design by
adding a piece of 1/2" X 1/8" X 12" brass or steel mounted on the
underside of the triangle.  An alternative would be a pair of 2" X 1" X
1/2" blocks with a dovetail cut in one end that would slide in a
dovetail track.  The blocks act as clamps or wedges that would form a
stable shelf.  

I'd like to hear what other RCT users have done to solve this problem.

Carl Root, RPT

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