Plate for sale?
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 17:23:27 EDT

Ron asks:
>Don't have a use for the plate but... Please define "couldn't be fixed", and
>how much of the carcase do you have?

    ya know those little candle powered carousels that come out at Christmas?
Well, if one of these Satan's toys happens to stick and stop turning while no
one is looking, the candles set that pile of little dry sticks and blades on
fire, never mind the little angel boy that is supposed to be singing as it
goes round and round.  And then imagine a large, stuffed chair right beside
the piano that this flaming merry-go-round from hell falls into in a shower of
flaming sparks. 
   By the time the seltzer was employed, the piano had lost the outer layer of
maple lamination on the bent side, the bottom of the soundboard was scorched,
the treble leg and over an inch of the keybed where charcoal.  The factory
didn't want to touch it, and neither did I, so the insurance called it a total
and I took it apart for the pieces. 
    At the moment, the boys are swinging on the wrap-around part of the case,
it is springy!
Ed Foote

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