pianotech-digest V1997 #2205

Mark Bolsius markbolsius@optusnet.com.au
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 18:54:48 +1100

G'day all,

The New South Wales Chapter of the Australian Guild is in the process at the
moment of developing something like this for grey market pianos.

We have quite a problem with them here, the quality is soooo mixed, that
customers can't easily determine which shiny black box is the best one. We
are hoping to develop a either a rating system or a "Guild Approved" style
standard...there's a huuuuge can of worms being opened here, but we have to
do something!

I look forward to further input from the list.

Mark Bolsius
Bolsius Piano Services
Canberra Australia

> Subject: underwriter lab (was "What would you do?")
>> the PTG could approve pianos the way Underwriters
>>Laboratories approves other things as a public service.   Reprehensible
>>pianos would
>>not get the stamp of approval until improvements are made.
>>-Mike Jorgensen
> that is a very good idea!  has the ptg or anyone involved with it ever
> considered such a thing?  at first glance i see not only a great way to
> help the public in buying a piano but also great pr for the guild and it's
> members.
> chris

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