My legs are giving me a headache.

Christopher D. Purdy
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 09:34:44 -0400

>I have had a not so fun afternoon.  When I reported to the
>performing arts center this morning I was told that the tail leg
>on the Steinway had busted off.  I quickly ran down to check.
>Sure enough there it was, sadly slumped over like a drunk piano
>player.  The remains was laying on the floor, broken clean
>through the dowel at the base.  Of course the bad news couldn't
>end there.  That piano is needed for a concerto competition on
>Perhaps it could be fixed if enough shop effort was put into it
>but at his particular moment I don't have that kind of time.  I
>got on the phone today to see if I could get Steinway to send a
>new leg via Fed-Ex.  No dice, it would take weeks.  Under the
>circumstances for now it looks like we are going to temporarily
>move a piano in from another location.
>These legs have extra large wheels somewhat like a Hamburg.
>Never previously needing to know or care I was under the
>impression that someone simply put the larger wheels on the
>original legs.  Upon closer inspection, however, I see now that
>these legs are in fact different then a normal Steinway leg.
>This would of course make sense because the larger diameter wheel
>would otherwise raise the piano too high.  Cutting down a normal
>Steinway leg would look strange to say the least.  Although the
>face plate portion seems normal the actual legs are shorter.
>Clearly these legs are specifically designed for large wheels.
>Thus now I'm attempting to determine the origin of these legs.
>Does Steinway sell Hamburg legs in lacquer finish for New York
>Rob Goodale, RPT


i have two extra legs from a ny. steinway d and a set of those wheels.
call me at my office phone number right away if you think this would help.
i will only be here until noon so i would need to act fast if i were going
to try to put this in the mail today.


office (740) 593-1656
home   (740) 592-1855

-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.   School of Music  Ohio University  Athens OH   (740) 593-1656    fax# (740) 593-1429

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