What would you do?

Wed, 1 Dec 1999 09:58:42 EST

In a message dated 12/01/1999 3:03:50 AM, Richard B. wrote:

<<this is the same thing
UL folks have to deal with..>>

 No it ain't the same at all. 
"Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) is an independent, not-for-profit 
product safety testing and certification organization."

  So other than the normal individual consumer role the employees of UL have 
no stake in test results.
  PTG is: "promote the highest professional, ethical, and economic standards 
for its members" 
  So PTG deals with people and not with product, and the product this thread 
would have us "certify" or "approve" is the 'only' thing we are working with. 
Not a basis for disinterested third party status I would say.

Hardly the same at all. Oh PTG 'could' issue stamps of approval, but by the 
same token there is enough expertise in PTG where we 'could' build an 
airplane, launch rockets, or even construct a nuclear device...does that mean 
we should?  

<<"I suggest capitalism has not been effective in insuring that only decent 
instruments are produced.">>
 I am not sure where this remark comes from.

Jim Bryant (FL)

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