Last month of 1999

Conrad Hoffsommer
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 14:23:32 -0600

At 14:21 12/01/1999 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/1/1999 1:50:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:
>>  Let me be the first to say we are in the LAST MONTH OF 1999.
>>  Another year and month till we start the 21st century.
>I've actually heard many folks say that the Millennium doesn't officially
>until next year and that makes sense to me. After all, we didn't start the 
>Christian calendar with the year 0, did we?

'Tis true.  Think about it.  A decade is 10 years.  Would you say that you
start the second decade the first day of year 10?  Of course not.  You
would start your second decade _after_  COMPLETING 10 years - i.e. the
first day of year 11.

Histeria and advertising have no logic, however.  That is why many people
think the millenium is in a month.  I have over a year to plan MY welcome
to the third millenium. 

Conrad Hoffsommer, RPT, MPT -

 Anything too stupid to be said...  is sung. 

        ...or put out on the internet!

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