Update on broken leg...

Robert Goodale rrg@nevada.edu
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 17:34:39 -0600

Hi folks...

I appreciate the info all of you have been sharing about my S&S
leg problem.  For now it looks like the problem is taken care
of.  The local dealer has temporarily loaned us a D leg which
will get us through the events tomorrow.  In the meantime I am
going to make and replace the broken upper portion of the leg,
(the part that broke), myself out of new maple.  The university
may do something else after the new year, possibly putting normal
N.Y. legs on and then installing a spider dolly, (a wise
choice).  At any rate we need this thing up and running again
before the 31st..  Tony Bennet is using it for a New Years Eve
concert at the Desert Inn Casino.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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