[Fwd: PTG Member Survey Now "Up"]

Kent Swafford kswafford@earthlink.net
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 18:20:27 -0600

Keith McGavern wrote:

>You just might be setting a precedent for PTG, and a dilemma for the
>Bylaws, because one of the requirements to take the examinations is to be a
>member in good standing, and by definition you are an International
>Correspondent, which is out of the 75 mile jurisdiction of a chapter, and
>therefore, considered a non-member affiliation.

There are a number of RPT's around the world. I believe each is nominally 
a member of some chapter here in the States.

>If someone hasn't already done what you are preparing to do, you will be
>'rocking the Bylaws boat' by even being allowed to take the tests and by
>someone saying you can use the designation Registered Piano Technician
>(RPT).    :-)

It has been done.

>Now I'm far from an being expert on the Bylaws, but it appears that some
>changes/additions in the wording will have to be implemented through the
>appropriate committee to accomodate your unique situation, and then
>eventually presented to Council for acceptance before such a thing could
>actually take place.

It seems to me that in this modern world of instant electronic 
communication, it would be a natural thing for PTG to accept 
International Members from outside the US and Canada. There is a task 
group within the board that is supposed to be looking into the matter, 
but I have not heard how it is going.

>That information should that make you feel extra, extra special?  (hehe)

The piano technicians around the world are us. They have the same 
problems as we do, except worse in some ways (they are a _long_ way away 
from Glorie, for example). They should at least have the benefits of PTG 
membership available to them.

Kent Swafford

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