
Conrad Hoffsommer
Fri, 03 Dec 1999 05:30:10 -0600

At 16:08 12/02/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>I am in the middle of the Potter piano course.  When I am finished, my
>desire is to relocate somewhere else.  Do you think it is wise to plan
>that right after the Potter course, or do you think I will have a much,
>much better chance of success if I wait till I have some experience?
>How would I go about relocating to a different state and town?

IMHO,  Now would be the ideal time to locate, _before_  you get a lot of
experience.  I say this because as you are getting experience, you are also
acquiring a customer base.  At what point would you feel experienced enough
to abandon your customers for greener pastures?  1 year?  5 years? Will you
know? Inertia is a law.

Where do you want to go?  What factors are important to you besides a lot
of untuned pianos? Weather? Culture? Sports? 

If you don't have any preferences, use the olde dartboard/map approach.
Before you move, however, do ALL your homework researching the target area.
Housing/transportation costs. taxes, etc.

All this presupposes that you have some way of supporting yourself until
your customer base reaches critical mass.  If you are not independently
wealthy  [how many pianotechs are, and if you are, why are you doing this
as a hobby?], you will need a "day job".  Search the web for local newpaper
want ads in the target area.



Conrad Hoffsommer - Music Technician
Luther College			-(319)-387-1204
Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045

"There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right 
keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself." - J. S. Bach

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