Challenge question: Where's the Squeak?

Roger C Hayden
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 06:43:08 -0800

And the answer was . . . . .

As a violin bows across the string, causing it to vibrate and sing, so
the multiple damper wires, all original components and a bit corroded,
(probably cigarette smoke from last owner),  passed through their
bushings, they set the treble damper guide rail humming.  "C5

I discovered it by pedaling while pushing on the guide rail through the
strings with a screwdriver.

Quick Solution, tighten all the guide rail screws.   No More Squeak.

Better solution, rebush the guide rail . . . OK, I will, when I rebuild,
sometime in the next millennium.

We are going to be gone all weekend and I didn't want to make all you
good folks lose sleep.

Roger Hayden, RPT

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