A word of thanks

Brian Lawson lawsonic@global.co.za
Fri, 03 Dec 1999 20:31:47 +0200

Hi, just some musings on two customers that I went to today

First one is someone who was one of the first I had since I had been going
on my own, he called me the other day, wanting a tuning just prior to
Christmas. I have seen him shopping and we say hello, and he has invited me
around just for coffee whenever in the area. He usually pays by post dated
cheque (that's "check" to the US members)  and have never had any probem
with that. A nice person and he
likes my work.

The other customer had called me back as there was something wrong. So I
look and listen to the notes he is refering to and make adjustments and he
is happy. He tells me I'm best he's had and has gone through many techs,
calling them out one time and one time only,  but he was really appreciative
of the care I took (to me, just my ususal) in tuning a couple of months ago.

I find it nice to get that type of "Thank You" - makes it all seem
Well, it is all worthwhile or I'd be doing something else.

Brian Lawson
IC PTG, MPT = member at large
Johannesburg, South Africa

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