Pianotech Get Together in Arlington

ginacarter ginacarter@email.msn.com
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 17:28:33 -0500


Dale Propst needs some input from us, specifically he needs as close as
possible the number who will attend our Get Together. He needs this number
to reserve a meeting room large enough to accommodate us.

What will work best within Dale's organizational plan for the Arlington
Convention is for us to meet on Thursday during the 1 1/2 hour lunch break.
He can arrange for the hotel to have a breakout (one of those thingees where
they sell sandwiches and drinks a al carte, cost around $10 or so) in the
hall/lobby area near our meeting room. Dale is in the process of finalizing
all this stuff with the hotel. So, if we want to have an official Get
Together at a designated time and place, we need to get him the info asap.

If you are planning to attend, please reply. If you're not planning to
attend, please don't reply.

You can reply to me directly at ginacarter@msn.com if you wish. You will not
be held accountable if you reply "yes" and then don't show up. :-)

I'll keep track of all the responses and will report to Dale December 10th.


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