What to patent

Robert Goodale rrg@nevada.edu
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 02:03:08 -0600

Richard Moody wrote:

> If I were Del, I would patent his "soundboard springs".   On the other
> hand I don't think it could be  manufactured unless a maker was to intall
> it as original equipment.  Maybe though you could sell it as a "kit".

Ya, but first we need to come up with a catchy name.  Something like
"Crown-B-Good", or "The Accousti-Coil", or maybe "The vibra-boing".  How about the
"Reverse crown harmonic pressure enhancing induction generator".  Of course after
the name then you need to get a snappy advertising slogan and a jingle.

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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