What to patent, what not to patent

Jon Page jonpage@mediaone.net
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 11:21:41 -0500

At 05:44 AM 12/04/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>Richard Moody wrote:
>> If I were Del, I would patent his "soundboard springs".   

The cost of applying for and maintaining a patent would far
outweigh any profit derive form sales.

I was granted  provisional patent for the TLRG but one form was
missing from my application and they requested the form with
an additional $25 processing fee. I did not pursue it further since
I realized the maintenance fees would be prohibitive and I qualified
for the reduced 'small entity fee'.

Pat ants are not free, there is a yearly charge for the life of the patent.

Dad-burned gummit,

Jon Page,  Harwich Port,  Cape Cod,  Mass.  mailto:jonpage@mediaone.net

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