What to patent

Susan Kline skline@proaxis.com
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 11:29:35 -0800

At 11:21 AM 12/04/1999 -0200, Clark wrote:

>Violin family soundposts tie the back and plate resonances together; this
>has been tried by a number of 19th c. piano makers in a variety of
>arrangements mostly with double sb's.

This is interesting! Can you give more details, such as makers, approximate
dates, and what they tried? Which ones had the double soundboards? How far
apart were they? How many posts were used, and where were they placed?

Most importantly, did they work in improving the tone? That is, were they
discontinued because they were too expensive to produce, or because they
didn't give the desired results?

Do you know of any written materials such as books or articles about
these pianos?

>As for prior art, there have been a couple piano patents mentioned here that
>seem to have precedent (S&S, B). Maybe M&H could add springs between the
>tension resonator and sb really to make that thing sing ;)

<grin> seems to me that they sing already, and keep singing even when other
things like the pinblock and hammers are on their last legs.


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