[Fwd: PTG Member Survey Now "Up"]

Newton Hunt nhunt@jagat.com
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 19:14:59 -0500

>  "...you delight in laying down laws, yet you
> delight more in breaking them...".

He wrote that for me!

When I joined the Guild I refused to use the address where I worked
because I wanted nothing to do with that chapter at that time.  My
home town was 100 miles away so I listed my folks home as my address,
thus I was a member at large.

There have been many changes to the Constitution and the Bylaws but
there would be no reason to change the mechanism for allowing members
at large.  Up until about 15 years ago the MALs had voting power in
council either by an elected delegate or someone assigned the task by
the board.  I have not been in council for many years so I am
unfamiliar with current practice.

If an applicant HAS to be a member of a chapter let them joint the New
York City Chapter to increase it's current hugh voting strength and
the chapter coffers.

I haven't read the Constitution or the Bylaws for years so I am not up
on the currently politically correct way of those members from Puerto
Rico, Virgin Islands, and other out of the way places where RPTs work
and live.  The point is that anyone who qualifies, morally, ethically
and technically cannot be excluded from membership simply because they
live in Kuwait.

It is the person's competence that is at issue, not their residence

I would suggest you check with one of the Bylaws Committee members,
they will be far more up to speed than am I.

>  anyone who qualifies, morally, ethically and technically cannot be excluded from membership simply because they live in Kuwait.

I will stand by that statement because any exclusion would be
unethical AND illegal, at least in this country.


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