Genck Ultimate toolcase

LTpianoman@AOL.COM LTpianoman@AOL.COM
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 00:33:22 EST

Due to a bad ticker, I'm always on a quest for the most efficient way to 
carry tools & supplies. My latest find is a "Millenia" carry-on business & 
travel case. It has a place for a laptop, office supplies, toolbags, 
etceteras. It's dimensions are approx. 18"x13"x8" vs. Genk's 15"x10.5"x4.5." 
It has built-in 
wheels and a handle so it rolls along effortlessly!  Even better yet, inside 
I put a Freedom Bag (ala QVC), which holds 3 toolbags worth of stuff, 
including my SAT and amazing bag in itself. The Millenia bag 
also has a clip-on hook
 that allows you to add on another duffle-type bag so you can wheel around an 
amazing amount of tools and supplies with ease (and one hand!). Hope this 
helps someone else as much as it did me.  

>  Also, I read a message here back in the Summertime about this new Genck 
> having a side pocket that will take a full sized laptop computer. Can 
> verify this? 

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