Genck Ultimate tool case

Marvin McDonald
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:26:17 -0800

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Hello Mark,
I purchased both cases from Schaff Piano Supply.  The laptop tool case
is $249.00 and the other case I have is the Professional Case.  I
believe the Professional Case is about the same price.  The Ultimate
tool case had not been developed yet when I purchase my first Genck
case.  They are expensive cases but well worth the money.

Wishing you and your family the very best of the holidays.

----Marvin McDonald

Mark Dierauf wrote:

> Marvin -  Where did you get the laptop tool case - I understand that
> this is NOT the same as the "Ultimate tool case" Does the laptop fit
> in an external pocket? is there room for the AC adapter as well? Oh,
> yeah - and what was the cost? - Mark >Mark,
> >I have two Genke cases and wouldn't be without either one of them.  I
> >have the compact tool case that carries an unbelivable amount of
> tools.
> >I also just received my laptop tool case and its great.  I don't have
> >all the tools in it yet but I can vouch for the Genke cases.  They
> are
> >excellent.
> >- ---Marvin McDonald

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