Baldwin keyframes

Robert A. Anderson
Sun, 05 Dec 1999 06:09:31 -0700

I had my first experience bedding a keyframe on a new Baldwin yesterday.
The manual states that the front rail should be parallel to the keybed,
at least 0.025" away from the keybed, and that strips of paper between
the glides and keybed should pull out with equal pressure. This keyframe
warped down a bit at the treble edge. I was not able to achieve both a
parallel fit and equal pressure. So I made the best compromise between
the two that I could. Does anyone have any light to thrown on this
situation? The manual doesn't state how much pressure the glides should
exert on the keybed. I used my judgment and was pretty much satisfied,
but I wonder if anyone with some more experience at this has anything to


Bob Anderson
Tucson, AZ

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