Genck Ultimate toolcase

LTpianoman@AOL.COM LTpianoman@AOL.COM
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 18:33:27 EST

I guess I was too tired to think last night, but I need to append my response 
to your post.  First,  my SAT does not fit in the Freedom Bag (although it 
probably could), but rather, inside of the Millenia travel case, along with 
the Freedom Bag. Also, the Millenia travel case is available at Sam's Club. 
Staples also carries a similar case (#SKU 384273, $49), but I don't know if 
it is as good as the Millenia. (didn't see it in person!) The advantage over 
the Genk is the portability with wheels and handle.
Good luck.
Larry Trischetta, Pocono NE Chapter
Scranton, PA

> I put a Freedom Bag (ala QVC), which holds 3 toolbags worth of stuff, 
>  >  including my SAT and amazing bag in itself. The 
>  > bag 

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