Genck Ultimate toolcase

LTpianoman@AOL.COM LTpianoman@AOL.COM
Sun, 5 Dec 1999 18:38:21 EST


After I appended my post to you, i read yours! help you with 
obtaining these items, I can get the exact ordering info for you and post it 
again. I was going to do it privately, but that info may be useful to someone 
on the List. 
Get back to you soon.

Larry Trischetta

<<<<<<<Hi Larry,
Due to age and major surgery I also am looking for the dream bag to carry
tools, computer and printer.

The Millenia carry-on bag seems to be the answer and the Freedom Bag as an
insert sounds absolutely great.

Now my problem is this.  Living in Darwin, a city of 100,000 people and with
the closest big city over 2,000 miles away I don't get to see these items in
the local store and don't get to the big city very often.

Where do you get these items from ? Is their any info on the WWW ?

As I said,  they sound great.

Tony Caught >>>>>

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