transporting lubricants and adhesives

John M. Formsma
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 07:15:15 -0600


I use a 50 cal ammo box.  You can get them at an army surplus place for
around $5 or so.  I keep various things in it, like Protek CLP and Protek
lube.  You can paint the ammo boxes black, and leave them in your trunk
until you need something from them.  I have three--one has liquids including
glues, the other has various tools that I don't use on a regular basis, and
the third one has treble wire.  Since the boxes are sealed with a rubber
seal, it ensures that nothing will get in or come out of them during
transport.  However, the way I have them arranged in my trunk is such that
they will not move at all.

Your idea of buying twelve 2 oz plastic bottles is a good one.  An ammo box
would easily hold them all.


John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 6:02 AM
Subject: transporting lubricants and adhesives


Has anyone mastered a method for transporting the array of liquids we use
to the job site in a way that makes them easy to use on site, yet not
worry about spillage in the tool kit - remaining upright, proper nozzles
in place, etc..

I have been trying a variety of methods, none totally satisfactory, and
am considering purchasing a dozen 2 oz plastic bottles of like height and
making a separate custom tool box for transport.

Any ideas?

Mark Potter

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