[Fwd: PTG Member Survey Now "Up"]

Newton Hunt nhunt@jagat.com
Mon, 06 Dec 1999 10:38:48 -0500

> The prospective members "competence" is a non issue. Membership in the
> Guild is open to any who have a "professional or avocational interest in 
> pianos".

We were specifically speaking of RPT status.  I WAS an RPT, 1965, and
a member-at-large, albeit within the borders of the US, barely (30
miles to the Mexican/US border (where Poncho Villa invaded the US).

My point is that anyone should be granted RPT status without respect
to their residence.

Paying only 60% of the dues is a good point though.  Wish _I_ could do

Ah well, progress, isn't it wonderful?

Thanks for pricking my balloon.


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