Renner key easing pliers

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 23:32:08 EST

In a message dated 12/6/99 3:55:17 AM !!!First Boot!!!, CAPSTANDAN@AOL.COM 

<< Dear list,
 Question: I'm considering obtaining some fine key easing pliers from Renner 
 (the type designed to enable the tech. to ease the key WHILE IN THE PIANO.  
 I've seen the 2 types they make, but I'd appreciate having other opinions 
 from those of you who use both or one of the two.  One type is the taperd 2 
 jaws parallel pliers (in the original Renner cat. # 1616), the other type is 
 Not parallel 2 jaws with a "tongue/swivel" thing in the middle. # 1617.      
 Any thoughts/recommendations will be mostly appreciated.
 -Dan Amihud  RPT

I got the 1617. I think it will work a little better for you. Sometimes, 
because of the angle, beacuse of the way the keys lift up, etc, it is nice to 
have the advantage of the swivle.


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