Time to level pins, dress coils...?

David ilvedson ilvey@jps.net
Mon, 6 Dec 1999 22:13:48 -0800

What about the tool for tapping  pins that has a handle which 
you use to keep pressure on the tuning pin to keep it in the 
general tension area?  

David I.

From:           	Wimblees@AOL.COM
Date sent:      	Mon, 6 Dec 1999 23:40:57 EST
Subject:        	Re: Time to level pins, dress coils...?
To:             	pianotech@ptg.org
Send reply to:  	pianotech@ptg.org

> In a message dated 12/6/99 10:13:30 PM !!!First Boot!!!, 
> dianepianotuner@hotmail.com writes:
> << so I 
>  talked them into having me straighten the coils and level the pins.  I 
>  couldn't figure out what to charge them, but since I was just about to 
>  string a piano, thought that I would know in a few days.
>    Turns out I don't string that way at all, but dress the coils after every 
>  few pins and level after each section, so don't know how long it will take!  
>  I would guess about 2-3 hours??  Anyone have any input on this for me?
>    Thanks!
>    Diane >>
> The problem is not with leveling the pins, and tightening the coils. That 
> shouldn't take more than maybe an hour. (depending on how bad it is, and fast 
> you work). What is going to take time is the tuning. You will most likely 
> have to chip the piano, then rough tune it, and then do one or two fine 
> tunings. The chip and rough tuning can be done in one operation, (presumably 
> after you have completed the leveling and tightening). But the other two 
> tunings should be done a week or so apart.  
> Willem 

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA

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