Time to level pins, dress coils...?

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner@hotmail.com
Mon, 06 Dec 1999 23:40:17 PST

>From: "Brian Trout" <btrout@desupernet.net>

>comforting the customer who hears something like a person destroying their
>piano, etc.

How _true_!  Early on, when my Dad and I were both beginners, we let a 
customer talk us into restringing a piano in her music room.  What a 
mistake!  She was a timid elderly type and almost had a heart attack from 
hearing the pounding.  We should have realized, every kid who grew up with a 
piano in the house was told "Don't pound on the piano!"

>Diane, I do hope things are well with you.  I imagine you must be very 
>not only keeping up with the normal holiday rush, but also being short a
>worker.  I do hope Murray is recovering well, and that you're both in good

Thanks, Brian,  Murray is doing surprisingly well, but still not able to 
work.  He DID chip the lowest two + octaves of the Viennese grand for me 
(which was a blessing as I have trouble in the bass) and he went to the 
customer's party after the piano was delivered with me for about an hour.

I sure hated to part with that piano!  I fell in love with it while working 
on it.  Holding those 150+ year old parts, covering the hammers with 
deerskin which felt sumptious and smelled wonderful....and then when we 
finally could play it!!!!!  :-)  !!!!!!

>Best wishes to you,
Same to you!



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