Tuning Acrosonics-slight correction

Billbrpt@AOL.COM Billbrpt@AOL.COM
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 09:05:39 EST

In a message dated 12/7/99 5:55:41 AM Pacific Standard Time, Billbrpt@AOL.COM 

<< Then, fill in your C#4 to see if you can create the 
 proper 4:5 ratio of the contiguous 3rds: F3-A3-C#3-F4-A4. >>

  This should have read, << Then, fill in your C#4 to see if you can create 
 proper 4:5 ratio of the contiguous 3rds: F3-A3-C#4-F4-A4. >>

Bill Bremmer RPT
Madison, Wisconsin

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