new tool? was Re: Time to level pins, dress coils...?

Brian Trout
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 09:51:56 -0500

Hi Wim,

I think he was referring to a tuning pin setter.  There's a picture of it in
the Pianotek catalog on page B-10, item TPS-1.

Perhaps it would work for what Diane had in mind.?  I've never used it for
leveling pins, but it might be worth the time of one less tuning.?  But then
again, if she would have to lower the tension way down to get those coils to
lift, perhaps it wouldn't really do that much good.

Interesting thoughts though.

Brian Trout
Quarryville, PA

> I don't know of such a tool, Dave. Can you describe it please. Where did
> get it?
> Wim

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