new tool? was Re: Time to level pins, dress coils...?

Brian Trout
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 21:30:27 -0500

Hi Wim,

For what it's worth, the tuning pin setter that I have has a tip that's
somewhat similar to a regular tuning hammer tip in that it screws on and off
of the assembly.  I was thinking that if yours is the same as mine, and it's
loose, it might give the impression that it's just free-floating on the end
of that thing.  On the humorous side, one of the technicians who I worked
with for a couple of years got caught in the field without his tuning
hammer.  He had left it in the shop and proceeded to drive about 30 miles to
a tuning only to discover he had left his one and only favorite tuning
hammer behind.  According to him, it was an old piano with fairly loose
tuning pins and he tuned it with his tuning pin setter.  He'd have caused
himself bodily injury if it had been a new Baldwin! ;-)

Best wishes,

Brian Trout
Quarryville, PA

> I thought that is what you were referring to. But a tuning pin setter will
> not prevent the tuning pin from "slipping" when it is pounded.  The handle
> just for you to hold on to the punch that is used to pound in the tuning
> The tension of the string will cause the pin to "slip." ...>
> Willem

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