Xmas tunings

Robert Goodale rrg@nevada.edu
Tue, 07 Dec 1999 22:34:43 -0600

Tom Cole wrote:

> I haven't had to clear off any nativity scenes yet but I've had my share
> of situations where the owner just didn't think that anything other than
> _playing_ the piano would ever occur: an upright _tightly_ wedged into a
> small space so that the top could not be opened (or piano pulled out), a
> 5-gallon fish aquarium on a tall upright, and who hasn't heard the line,
> "Oh, well, can't you just open the front like this" (swings out the
> music board of an old upright). The list keeps getting longer (and the
> owners keep getting more creative).
> My all-time worst encounter with a cerebrally challenged pianist was
> when, several years ago, I walked into the living room of a modest house
> and was shown to a Yamaha G2. Its lid was open. The reason that the lid
> was open was so that all of the plants that were placed on the plate
> could get light and have room to grow. I suppose. Being a piano
> technician and not much of a gardener, I'm only guessing.
> As Dave Barry would say, I'm not making this up. This guy was for real.
> Yesssss, I stayed to tune the piano but only out of pity for the
> instrument. When I left, I offered him some helpful suggestions (like, a
> CFIII could hold more plants). The ingrate hasn't invited me back.

You should have tried to sell him a self-watering system.  You could have connected it to a
DamppeChaser humidistat and taken care of two things at once!!

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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