Xmas tunings

Newton Hunt nhunt@jagat.com
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 10:34:04 -0500

Every two weeks I tuned for a night club in Manhattan, since gone,
that had two pianos, one upstairs (never a problem) and the one
downstairs, same make and model.  The downstairs piano was constantly
breading bass strings so I kept a complete set on site and kept it up
complete.  (I did unregulate this piano and saved us all a lot of

One day the manager came up and started accusing me of breaking a mike
stand (?).  I did have to move mike stands, remove electronic keyboard
and crap.  It was always dark, dingy and tight quarters.  I told her
that this is not an easy area to work in but I doubt I was so careless
and brutal as to break a mike stand.  She continued to dress me down
rather vociferously when the owner walked in, got angry, and said,
"Leave him alone, good reliable tuners are too hard to find!"  Made my
day, don't ya know.


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