Xmas tunings

Phil Bondi tito@PhilBondi.com
Wed, 8 Dec 1999 13:40:05 -0500

> Well, it wasn't Xmas but I found the Encyclopedia Britannica taking up
> the whole lid of a spinet.  I got an irate call that evening
> complaining about it's removal to which I responded, "THe top of a
> piano is the same as the hood of a car.  They both have to be opened
> to service them."  Long pause.  Then, "The extra weight will destroy
> the tuning for which you paid me."  Pause.  Click.
> 		Newton

Newton, you missed the opportunity to educate the client. You should have had
them open the "P" book and look up 'piano' to see what a real piano looks like!


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