accrosinic whips

Frank Cahill
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 15:05:47 -0500

JWyatt1492@AOL.COM wrote:
> Hello Frank!
>     How many do you need. I stock used ones.
> I also stock other rare parts.
>   Jack Wyatt

Hi, Jack. I would need two I guess. I'm not sure which spoon I need, so
I'd better get both.

Give me your phone number. You live in Texas, right? Don't want to call
at the wrong time.

This old Acrosonic has about 25 stickers that are warped so badly that
they no longer line up with the capstan. Stickers I can get, but not

One of the whips is broken where the sticker attaches.

Frank Cahill
Associate Member, Piano Technicians Guild
Northern Va

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