Aeolian verticals

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Wed, 08 Dec 1999 23:32:44 -0600

>  Then I looked over and saw the label that says "Made by American
>Craftsmen."  (Whatever that means....) 
>John Formsma

Another fine observation John. The sticker was, of course, peeling up at
the edges. Was it not? (whatever that means too)  One of my favorite things
about these fine products of the "American Craftsman" was that the letoff
rail was hung on such flimsy and flexible brackets that a medium hard blow
would block hammers where there was a good 3/16" letoff. Strangely enough,
it wouldn't do this when only one key was being hit, but would when
striking an octave. Maybe it has something to do with spreading the load
out on the rail, or the load compliance of the fingers spread to span an
octave. Whatever, it's not only frustrating and mutter provoking when that
happens repeatedly during a tuning, it also hurts (which I take
personally). I bet a better quality sticker would have helped.

And then there are the "players"...groan.

Ron N

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