Touch Weight Too Heavy on MX100

Roger Jolly
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 09:21:58 -0600

Hi Tom,
           An after thought.
Maybe the whole keybed has shifted at the treble end, possibly careless

At 09:02 PM 08/12/99 -0800, you wrote:
>Dear List,
>I tuned a Yamaha MX100A (1988) today that had a touchweight problem I
>found curious. It was the first thing the customer remarked about so I
>did some investigation. 
>I noticed right away that the dampers picked up early but, with the
>dampers picked up by the pedal, the up and down weights were too high as
>	C2	53	34
>	C3	57	36
>	C4	60	36
>	C5	64	38
>	C6	62	38
>	C7	62	39
>	B7	75	41	(C8 felt like it had a mechanical problem)
>There doesn't seem to be a friction problem and so the simple solution
>would seem to be to put lead weights in the keys to bring the
>touchweight down but I've never seen a Yamaha that was so out of
>regulation. Is there something about early Disklaviers that I need to
>know? Could this particular instrument have come from the factory that
>Unfortunately, I didn't think to pull out some key sticks to see if
>someone had pulled out the key leads. I did glance down the side of some
>Bs and Es in the bass to check for key leads and didn't see any nor any
>empty holes. 
>The present owner bought it 3 years ago and the touch was heavy when she
>first got it. So far, two technicians have not been able to help her
>out, one of whom was a Yamaha tech.
>Thought I'd run it by the list before getting the lead out. Can anyone
>comment on this weighty subject?
>Thomas A. Cole, RPT
>Santa Cruz, CA
Roger Jolly
Saskatoon, Canada.
Fax 652-0505

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