bad scene

Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Thu, 9 Dec 1999 19:28:11 EST

In a message dated 12/9/99 11:43:48 PM !!!First Boot!!!, 

<< I did suggest super-glue and driving pins might offer some hope for the
 short-term, but asked if she had a friend who was a lawyer.  There still
 is room  in my life for amazement at the depths to which some people will
 sink to steal a dollar from innocent people.
 les bartlett >>

Although from our perspective, we know the lady got ripped off. But don't put 
the entire blame on the guy who sold her the piano. These guys stay in 
business because there are enough stupid people out there buying the crap. 

I just tuned and cleaned a 75 year old Francis Bacon piano a customer bought 
from a private party for $750 10 years ago. To me the piano is a total wreck, 
But the customer thinks she's got a gem. And she was happy as a clam to have 
me clean the soundboard and make it sound "decent." 

Trying to appease the customer won't do any good. The only way she'll learn 
her lesson is to buy another piano. But I bet you she'll go out and buy 
another piano just like she just did. Why? Because she doesn't have the sense 
to have one of us inspect the piano. That, to her, would be throwing away 

Just my 1.5 cents worth


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