Touch Weight Too Heavy on MX100

Tom Cole
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 23:01:14 -0800

David C. Stanwood wrote:
> Dear Tom,
> My angle on things is from the "component analysis" side of things.
> What protocol did you use for measuring Up and Down Weight?

I assemble a pair of weights so that with both weights stacked on the
key, the key goes down and with the top weight removed, the key comes
back up at the same speed (if it takes 1/2 second to go down, then 1/2
second back up)

> (Normally I would first correct any obvious geomtery problems
>  before measuring up and down weight.)
This I will do. The concensus seems to be that the geometry may indeed
be messed up.

Thanks for your analytical input. I'll return to the customer soon with
scale and touchweight metrology table and report back to the list.

Thomas A. Cole, RPT
Santa Cruz, CA

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