Touch Weight Too Heavy on MX100

Tom Cole
Thu, 09 Dec 1999 23:42:51 -0800

> et al;
>  Isn't the MX-100 one of the models with dowel type capstans?  If so, could
> misalignment of the capstans be part of the cause here?
> Just a Thought.
> Jim Bryant (FL)


Don Mannino had the same thought. If bending the capstans toward the
balance rail or repositioning the action could solve the touchweight
problem, it would be an easy solution and certainly better than adding
weights (and therefore mass) to the keys. 

But I'm curious as to why this piano got that way. It's possible that
realignment of the capstans/action would only be putting a bandaid on
some other problem. So further investigation might prove fruitful.

Thomas A. Cole, RPT
Santa Cruz, CA

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