repairing caster

Tom Dickson
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 18:42:19 PST


  I am wondering about assumptions made in this thread.

  When I order double wheel casters for uprights - from Pianophile in Quebec 
- they come with a wooden "sleeve" that fills the old upright's centre hole 
for the new caster shank.  I usually cut these inserts for length and glue 
them before insertion.

  As far as screw holes are concerned, I practise and agree with Randy 
Potter's advice of drilling out old screw holes and filling with the correct 
size dowel.  That way, if you rotate the new plate (and screw holes) the 
pressure from new screws won't cave in the old holes and make things loose.

  My experience is that the time involved is not that great, and to date I 
have only happy customers with this repair.


>From: "Christopher D. Purdy" <>
>Subject: Re: repairing caster
>Date: Fri, 10 Dec 1999 14:34:15 -0400
> >Chris,
> >
> >If you plug the caster hole and redrill you will still have damaged
> >wood at the bottom.  I would suggest using something like Weld Wood
> >from Webb Philips to completely fill the screw holes.  Then rotate the
> >caster socket to new wood and drill for replacement screws (the others
> >a likely bent).
> >
> >		Newton
>that's part of the problem, there isn't much new wood to rotate the socket
>around to.  from the looks of it this problem has happened before and
>someone has already taken that approach.  (could have been me, seemed like
>a good idea at the time)  i have never used weld wood, is it pretty strong
>-Christopher D. Purdy R.P.T.   School of Music  Ohio University  Athens OH
>   (740) 593-1656    fax# (740) 593-1429

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