Touch Weight Too Heavy on MX100

Richard Moody
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 22:52:11 -0600

> To:
> Subject: Re: Touch Weight Too Heavy on MX100
> Date: Thursday, December 09, 1999 9:33 PM
> et al;
>  Isn't the MX-100 one of the models with dowel type capstans?  If so,
> misalignment of the capstans be part of the cause here?
> Just a Thought.
> Jim Bryant (FL)

Yes of course the dowel pushed forward or backwards can make a big diff.
Here is another thought.  Wouldn't it be nice of the Makers put as
technical info in their technical manuals, the factory target down weight?
  Following that wouldn;t it be in their interest to mention a target up
weight?  Thus if they said a piano left the factory at 53g downweight and
we measure it at 56, we know friction increased, because what else would
make the DW go up?  Still though 56 might be acceptible. 
	Also I wonder why a simple differnce between DW and UW can't be used. At
least for friction reducing attempts.   I think it (the difference) is
divided by two because levers are involved, but at the keyboard the first
"reading" is the actual difference.  Why have to mentally divide that by
two and remember that also? So would it be wrong to say? "since FW of 10
is acceptible, then a diff of DW and UW of 20 is acceptable but getting up
there."   ---ric/2not

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