Touch Weight Too Heavy on MX100

Richard Moody
Fri, 10 Dec 1999 23:26:51 -0600

> The order may be jumbled, but I doubt it's keybushings causing the
> If it were, then why would there be SO much Upweight?  
> Cheers,
> Brian Henselman, RPT
> Austin, TX

 Good question. Friction should make Down Weight more and Up weight less. 
However a hammer spring that is too strong could increase down weight and
up weight as well??  Sooo the hammer spring from the next note could be
misplaced onto the note that is giving the unusual reading.   Or  a
mistake perhaps, go back and measure it again.  But first look and see if
B7 has two hammer springs on it.   Or somebody messed up with the
leading,....  I leave that for someone else to cogitate on.   ---ricoging 

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