Non-regulatable dampers

David ilvedson
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 08:32:04 -0800


> The bass dampers were not damping very well.  They stood off a bit 
> from the strings and were inconsistent from one to the other.  So I 
> regulated the spoons.  That was uneventful.
At that point I might have checked to see what was holding 
them off the strings.  Spoon or lifter rod?  You have to regulate 
the pedal/lifter rod (damper lift with pedal) before the spoon.  

> Then I regulated the damper heads individually, seemingly with good 
> results.  But after playing for a bit, the dampers returned to their 
> slightly aloof position.  I repeated the process, and again after 
> playing they returned to not damping.
Sounds like the damper lever cloth might be falling apart or the 
flanges are not tight?  You have got to pull the action and 
check it out.

> My past experience has been that dampers stay where I put them.  Why 
> did these not stay?  I supposed it was possibly because the metal in 
> the wires was too soft to maintain the pressure.  But it could well 
> be something else.

Ghost in the Piano?
> Has anyone else experienced this?  Do you have a solution?
> Arlie
> Arlie D. Rauch
> Glendive, MT
> If you have nothing better to do, check out 
>  You'll be glad you did. 

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA

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