Perfect Pitch

Mon, 13 Dec 1999 14:55:37 EST

In a message dated 12/13/99 1:35:19 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< he piano went cold on the idea altogether.  To me, having perfect pitch 
means being able to detect or aurally produce a note within a maybe a few 
beats, but no one has demonstrated to me that they can get that close.  I 
would imagine that singers would be pretty accurate, but not perfect.  Any 

There was quite a long thread on this subject several years ago on  
Pianotech.  Go to the archives and look it up.
To me perfect pitch is probably a curse since it will probably drive you 
bananas to be in the presence of "iimperfect" pitch.

I also believe it's a giant ego trip for those-especially parents- who 
imagine their lil' darling  has perfect pitch and are certain to proclaim it 
to anyone within reach.  It'
s happened to me many times in  coming in contact with these parents during 
my 32 year music-teaching career. I''ve yet to be convinced it's of any 
benefit-except as a topic of conversation.
This is sure to light up a fire amongst our colleagues.

Bob Bergantino, RPT
Willoughby Hills, Ohio

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