Perfect Pitch/a bunch of hogwash

Tue, 14 Dec 1999 20:07:01 -0600 (CST)

As far as I have read, perfect pitch is better labelled, the ability to
remember particular pitches.  Some people have this aptitude, some don't; it
seems to need to be cultivated in some way early in life.  Singers often don't
have it, since at least the professionals start their formal training much
later than little virtuosos.
	On the other hand, adequate relative pitch discrimination is what I
presume we all have - the ability to hear octaves and other consonant
intervals, and when they're 'out'.  This is not th same as hearing beats, and
these skills are probably not related.  It is said that pianists lose their
relative pitch sense if they play out-of-tune instruments all the time.  A good
argument for them keeping the thing in tune!  There's actually been quite a bit
of research done on pitch memory.

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