Fuel for the fire..or..let's put this fire out.

Phil Bondi tito@PhilBondi.com
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 07:32:57 -0500


The term 'Perfect Pitch', as we all know, is a relative thing..those with Perfect
Pitch will tell you that, also, or at least they should.

We, as technicians, tend to be fussy..so when we hear the term "perfect", we, as
a group, immediately go on the bandwagon to state that there isn't any such

I agree.

Pitch Memory is a much better term.

I made the statement early on to 'bring it on'..and I still mean that..but it
will only prove that I am able to recognize notes played..and it won't matter if
the 'source' is sharp or flat to 440.

As a technician, I would never set A4 without a source..that doesn't mean that I
COULD set A4 without a source and get to within +/- 10 cents on a consistant

That ain't perfect!

but..from a deep sleep I could tell you what notes you were playing.

so what?

I didn't coin the phrase 'Perfect Pitch'..I believe it was coined when someone
was able to recognize every pitch presented to him or her without a
mistake..that's 100% perfect.

Can we put this to sleep and start talking about spinets again?!?


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