Perfect Pitch...Matthew

Wed, 15 Dec 1999 10:22:46 EST

 <What a relief!  I thought I was imagining things since certain frequent
> proponents of HT announced there was no color to ET.  I have perfect pitch
>(a  not particularly strong form) and I here different colors for each key
>in ET. 
>Andrew Remillard>>

    I hear this statement a lot.  Invariably from "perfect pitch" people that 
have never sat down at an equally tuned piano that is exactly1/2 step flat.  
However, I have had fresh stringing jobs in the shop that I chipped and 
pitched 1/2 step flat, and invite those that ascribe colors to ET to come and 
listen.  It never fails that as I play in the key of C, they hear the "color" 
of B. When I get into G, they always tell me that they recognize the colors 
in the key of F# when they hear it!! 
    If there are different "colors" ascribed to keys in ET, it is a pitch 
dependant, learned response.  It is not due to the tempering.
Ed Foote

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