
Wimblees@AOL.COM Wimblees@AOL.COM
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 20:08:00 EST

In a message dated 12/15/99 8:03:19 AM !!!First Boot!!!, writes:

<< Now they can get a brand new Mason & Hamlin 
 BB for same price that the dealer is asking for the Bechstein.  
 My advice was to go for the BB rather than take a chance on 
 a 100 year old board.  Unfortunately I think the designer is 
 going to really love those Bechstein legs.
 What do you think?
 David Ilvedson, RPT >>

Ask the designer if he is willing to pay for a new soundboard in about 10 

An other option is to find some Beckstein type legs and put them on the M&H. 
Call Tony Geers. He has a bunch of those kinds of legs. 


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