Temperament Setting Question

John M. Formsma jformsma@dixie-net.com
Thu, 16 Dec 1999 22:56:59 -0600


The way I set an ET temperament is to tune A3 to A4, then tune F3 to A3.  (I
think that we ought to be able to get very close to 7 bps every time.)  Then
I tune F4 to F3.  Usually, I set this octave around 6:3--the F3-A4 10th
beats a little faster than the F3-A3 3rd.  Once the octave is set, then I
work with the C#4, trying to evenly "split" the two 3rds so that they are in
their proper ratio.  Bob Davis' suggestion of playing the thirds in
succesion again and again is a good one, and is what I was taught.  It does
take practice, and if you do the tapping method several times to set your
4:5 ratio, you will soon get the feel for what you are wanting.

I have also tuned A#3 and D4 to help in determining the right A3-AC#4 beat
rate.  If you tune A#3 to F3 so that it is approx 0.7 bps and D4 to A3 about
1 bps, you will have the third immediately above the A3-C#4 third.  This may
help keep your A3-C#4 third in line because you can then easily tell if it
is slower than the A#3-D4 third.  Your F3-D4 sixth should beat slightly
faster than F3-A3, and C#3-A#3 should beat slightly faster than C#3-F3.
(This is one of the checks for testing 4ths, BTW.)

I usually can tell if my C#4 is bad when I tune F#3 to it, then tune A#3.
If the C#4 is too sharp, and you tune F#3-C#4 to three beats per five
seconds, then your F#3-A#3 third will beat too fast.  Bump the C#4 down a
little bit, and check your contiguous 3rds again.  I have to be careful
about stretching the F3-F4 octave a little too much, which then makes my
A3-C#4 third too wide.

I think if you can nail the F3-A3 at 7 bps, and tune a good F3-F4 octave,
everything else eventually falls into place.  Ha-ha, not without work,
though.  :-)  The more you do, the easier it gets.

Maybe this will help some.  Good luck!

John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pianotech@ptg.org [mailto:owner-pianotech@ptg.org]On Behalf
Of Jerry Hunt
Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 9:07 AM
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Subject: Temperament Setting Question

I understand and appreciate the extent to which
setting the contiguous thirds F-A, A-C#, C#-F & F-A in
a 4:5 ration sets the foundation of a good temperament
(of the ET variety). Most of the bearing plans I've
seen start with something like "set F3 to A3 to beat
about 7bps, set C#4 to A3 to beat about 9bps, tune F4,
test that the contiguous 3rds have a 4:5 ratio..."

My question is this, having tuned the F's and the C#
and noting that the ratios aren't working out quite
right, how do I determine if the problem is the F's or
the C#?

Many thanks for your help.

Jerry Hunt
Associate Member PTG (shooting for RPT in 2000)
Dallas, TX
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