Temperament Setting Question

Jerry Hunt piano_tunertx@yahoo.com
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 11:24:29 -0800 (PST)

Thanks for all of the great advice. FWIW, I thought
I'd add a little background on what prompted the
question. I learned to tune from the Randy Potter
course, and so, in a sense, was "taught" to tune not
only by Randy Potter, but also by Jim Coleman and
George Defebaugh (I generally use the Potter F-A
temperament). Sometimes, the temperament seems to fall
into place fairly easily: I get the F-A-C#-F-A
contiguous thirds sounding right and the rest of the
temperament fills in nicely. Smooth progression of
thirds, no offensive P4's or P5's....

But lately, it seems like I've really been struggling
in getting the temperament. I'm a part-time tuner, and
average maybe 2 piano's a week. The most recent
piano's that I've tuned were a Yamaha M1AR, 2
Wurlitzer G-153's (floor tunings) and a Schimmel grand
(haven't measured it, but it's around 6'). All of
these took me about 30-45 minutes, just to set the
temperament! (He said rather sheepishly, with an
empbarassed grin).

The advice that I've received in response to my
question should help. I also strongly suspect that the
recent thread on tuning spinet's (and other small
pianos) will help out a lot on the little Yamaha and
small Wurlie's. The harmonics on the Schimmel were
really tricky (a cavernous room with mostly wooden
floors and bare walls didn't help).

Thanks again for all the help.


Jerry Hunt
Associate member PTG
Dallas, TX
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